What people are saying …


  • “I am thankful for the reminder to remember the circumstances these clients we are helping are coming from. The trainer's life story impacted me the greatest as a reminder that the women we serve are just like her - and we should see who they CAN be, not just who they are. Their lives too can be redeemed and it’s our job to be the loving and compassionate arms of Christ to receive them when they ask for our assistance!”

    — Maternity Home Director, Florida

  • “Many times as a small "rural" center we feel like things do not always apply to us, but you made all of us feel like what we do counts. Oftentimes at meetings and/or Conferences we attend the topic or speakers mainly center around large centers in large cities. Even small Centers have a ministry in the community we serve..”

    — Pregnancy Center Director, Mississippi

  • “You helped us understand how important unity and communication are to our ministry. We were so grateful for the best practices you shared - some things we never considered. Our takeaway was that we need to establish our own values list to develop a foundation of integrity so we can remain true to our identity."

    — Pregnancy Center Director, Texas

  • " She was quite personable and made me feel comfortable. I learned through her motivational interviewing that I m more valuable than I give myself credit. She was very knowledgeable which made my part easier. She is valuable and definitely a keeper!"

    -Wings of Life, Alabama

  • "Pam was very professional, friendly, and intentional. She exposed my leadership capabilities and strengths. I learned about my weaknesses as well. I highly recommend her services to any business or organization. The observations and recommendations she made were extremely helpful in moving our organization forward in this season of growth. She hones her skill well and has the ability to dig deep into an organization in a friendly, competent manner. Very thankful!"

    -Men’s Director, Faith-Based Recovery Ministry

  • "This consultant was awesome and put everyone in our organization at ease. I am 65 years old and learned through my coaching session with her that I have changed over the years. I've been in ministry for over 35 years. She was very helpful to our team and it was amazing to see the results. We laughed and enjoyed each other when we shared the results together."

    -Spiritual Director, Faith-Based Recovery Ministry

What people are saying …


  • “"It was our sincere pleasure to have Pamela Whitehead join us as our keynote speaker at our annual Fundraising Banquet. Pamela shared the tragic events that affected her throughout her childhood and into her adult life. Having lived through abuse, abortion, addiction, and more, Pamela desires for all to see that the same redemption that she experienced through Jesus Christ, is available to all. As she shares her powerful testimony, she engages the audience from deep tragedy to victory and hope. Most notably, Pamela told a story filled with trials and despair while still conveying grace, care, compassion, humility, and the hope of Jesus! I believe every guest left encouraged to invest in our Pro-life Ministry and to invest personally in the lives of others."

    — Joy Stutzman, Life’s Choices Pregnancy Center, Kutztown, Pennsylvania

  • "Pamela Whitehead has a powerful testimony of redemption. Pamela shared her story and inspired the audience to value every person regardless of their past. Her professional and personal experiences combined with her strong faith in God make her a special treasure among pro-life speakers."

    — Laura Knight, ProLife Mississippi

  • "We booked Pamela Whitehead for our very first gala fundraiser (November 2021). She was such a joy to work with!! Pamela was well organized and kept the evening schedule on time, which was very important to us. Pam is a professional and keenly understood how to adapt her multifaceted testimony to reach our pro-life PRC audience. Her experiences with abuse, domestic violence, foster care, trauma, relationship struggles, abortion, adoption, and motherhood made her an “expert” on the woman we serve. She was able to personalize and intimately portray the struggles of a woman in crisis. Though her story is tragic and serious, she left our attendees lifted high in hope!!Her redemption in Christ is a powerful testimony of hope and is one that touches every heart. Our teen volunteers from the local high school were also very moved and inspired by her talk as well. Pam really hit all the right notes with our attendees and our event was an amazing success. Everyone was eager to give to our mission after her keynote and we are extremely grateful for her testimony. I would highly recommend Pam!!! She is a powerhouse of hope!!"

    — Loving Choice Pregnancy Center, Houston, Texas